Thursday, September 19, 2019


Good Morning Friends,
I have to laugh because I had to increase the font to large because as I type with normal I can't see the words.  Does this mean I'm getting 'oldish'.  LOL  

What a busy past week I've had.  We had two granddaughters Friday through Sunday evening.  They are 11 and 12 years old.  What a privilege and joy they both are!  A friend of ours invited us to his neighborhood block party which we took the girls with us.  It was at the end of a cul-de-sac.  That is a perfect location for a block party.  I was my usual uncomfortable.  It took me extra long to decide if I was going to eat or not.  Most people were done before I decided to eat.  Hubby and the girls had all they wanted to eat and enjoyed it.  

Monday morning I was leaving for Bible study when I got a phone message I thought I'd better listen to.  Glad I did.  It was Hubby's cousin saying, "Cathy, I need help."  I called her right back and she didn't answer.  We called again and no answer.  Her building is a locked security building, but I told Hubby I was going on over, and he called my Bible study and told them I might not be there.  On the way I called 911 and they got there just a minute or two before me, and the maintenance guy had let them in and in her apartment.  The LORD provides.  She ended up being taken to the hospital for a bad fall.  She had crawled through three rooms trying to find her phone, and the phone was virtually dead so very grateful her message came through.  Hubby and I and my youngest daughter went to the hospital and waited with her until she was admitted.  Now she is in a nursing home getting therapy and hopefully they will find a way for her to stay there.  She wants to be there and not living alone any more.  Praying for the LORD to help with all the details.

Today is Thursday, when I usually have my girls over for lunch.  Only Joan, our youngest can make it today.  Our oldest, Donna, has to work and then help with our cousin's settlement into the nursing home.  I have cooked pork chops, cilantro rice and mixed vegetables.  I must say my pork chops are delicious.  I know how to cook them tender and nicely browned.

Last night we took another granddaughter, Gracie to her water polo game in Cincinnati.  It was a nice time and her team won!!  She seem to enjoy being with us!  Very nice indeed!

Hope you are doing well, and feeling blessed!

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