Saturday, September 7, 2019


Hello Friends,
Yes, again it has been 6 months since I posted.  I feel I have lost my ability to write or put any thoughts into words on a page.  I am serious.  See all I can think of is I sentences that do not say much of anything.  Yet, my desire is to share these thoughts that I still have a desire to write.  Maybe my brain has not been exercised enough to use words any more.  Well, it sounds like I need to get started again before I loss my thinking all together.  I'm sure some of you think I am kidding but I am not.

As the prayer goes, "LORD, help my unbelief".  I am praying, "LORD, help me to remember how to think and use words so they are interesting and have some meaning".

My granddaughter Annie spent last night with us, and has been working on playing the piano last night and this morning.  She sounds pretty decent for having never had a lesson or even a sheet of music in front of her.  But she is using her ears, and playing keys that sounds good to her.  This is what I need to be doing with words.  It does help to have some direction, a teacher and some training before getting to far in learning to play the piano.  They say practice makes perfect.  It sure helps, but what if you are learning it without knowing timing and techniques?  She is getting a lot of joy out of trying.  This is what I need to do.  Find the joy in just getting some words written.

Oh yes, Annie is also recording her practice and listening to them back on an iPad.  I will type in my blog and make some 'word' recordings and re-read what I've written to see how I sound!  This could be fun again.  Right now it sure feels like an exercise.

Thank you for reading this far if you have.  I will be back shortly.


I want to further explain how I feel I have lost the ability to really communicate.  Sometimes we can go through times of depression, or sickness, or just mysteriously losing interest in things and what we use to take for granted is now seeming impossible to get back.  It could be joy, or health or a hobby of some kind like sewing or writing.  This is where I find myself.  I lost most my interests a few years ago.  It was like a switch just went off inside of me.  So I have just coasted through days and weeks and now years without fighting to keep what use to mean so much to me.  Then after a sudden but serious illness this summer, I realized that maybe I have to fight to keep what I know would be in my best interest.  God gives each of us abilities or interests for our good, and for His Glory!  Whether it is crocheting something to give to others like I use to do or writing to keep in touch with people.

I always loved the verses:

John 17:4
I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do .

Phil 2:13
3 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

1 Thess 4:11
And that ye study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you;

Heb 13:16
But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.

Kind of like the Nike add, Just Do It!

1 comment:

BG Jenkins said...

Oh Cathy, I so know how you feel. I have lost my interest in the moment with writing. I think, like your illness, things in life can get in the way and we just have to learn to take our interests back. Love your verses, too.